2023 Bird Series

Handmade Pottery By Bridget Hauser

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Many of the pieces here are one-of-a-kind, and series of pieces can come and go. My goal as an artist is to make work that interests me and entertains my collectors and myself.  Although it never hurts to ask, I am not inclined to make multiples unless it is functional pottery.  Even then, the decoration of a familiar form may vary from piece to piece. My kiln, and accomplice in this endeavor, also loves to kiss it with even more variation.

All of my functional pottery is glazed with food safe glazes and made from high-fired stoneware. Functional pottery pieces with appliques should be hand washed and are not suitable for the microwave. Straight forward drinkware can be used in the microwave and placed in the dishwasher. If using an oven always place the piece in a cold oven, then turn to temperature needed. When removing from the oven place on cooling rack or trivet to prevent thermal shock and cracking.

Sculpture may have a number of surface treatments that include but not limited to glaze, clay slips, and acrylic color (RTG glaze). Sometimes all on the same piece. Some surfaces are delicate and should be cleaned with just a damp cloth. If needed soap and water only.  Do not use cleaning chemicals.